Improve functional strength, mobility, and resilience for fitness and longevity with the fundamentals of heavy club swinging.

- Want to build functional strength for a robust life?
- Always getting hurt or worried about injuries?
- Want to improve strength & mobility in short, effective workouts?

Most people train in straight lines with presses, rows, squats, and lunges, which can make you strong, but life happens in three dimensions.
To build true, functional strength and resilience you must train in all planes of motion - with rotational movement training.
There is no better way to train rotation, and therefore, to build resilience than with club swinging.
This foundational program from the world's leading clubbell instructor teaches you the proper way to train rotational movement patterns, while building strength and improving mobility at the same time!
Club swinging is the missing link you need to take your health and fitness to the next level.
Just follow this progressive easy-to-follow program and you'll develop serious functional strength in a way you never have before.
Better Mobility & Movement
Club Swinging mobilizes joints, muscles, and tendons while you work out - the ultimate high-value, time-saving method.
Resilience & Longevity
Club swinging trains the body in the way it was designed to move. Reduce injuries, improve quality of life, and live life to its fullest.
Take Your Strength To The Next Level
Club Swinging is the missing link in your training routine. Clubs build strength in all directions, exactly what you need for a robust and resilient life.
- Follow-Along Workouts For Each Level Of The Full Program
- PDF Workbook To Track Workouts And Ensure Continued Progress
- Progressive, Repeatable System For Optimal Skill Development and Continued Progress Year Over Year
- Access Videos And Workbook Anytime, Anywhere From Phone, Tablet, or Laptop
Liam S.
Mark single-handedly changed my life by teaching me how to swing clubs. Before that, I felt strong and in shape but was always getting hurt. I failed to realize I was neglecting a major aspect of human movement. Rotational training was the thing I was missing and wish I had added much earlier in my life.
W. Agnes
Clubs have been an epiphany for me. Definitely feel stronger and my grip has improved significantly, as well as less shoulder pain. I still remember when they arrived, I was shocked at the weight. Had buyers remorse thinking I was out of my league. Then finally embraced and respected the learning curve and they have been a game-changer.
What You'll Get

2 Handed Clubs - Level 1
- Foundational club movement instruction
- Basic club squatting, swinging, hinging, lunging, and rotational patterns
- These movements set the foundation for moves later in the program
- Build strength and mobility at the same time
- Level 1 can be purchased as its own product, available below.

2 Handed Clubs - Level 2
- More complex foundational movements
- Basic throwing patterns, movement sequences, and core exercises
- These moves build upon level one and prepare you for more advanced training
- You will develop strength, mobility, and resilience as your understanding and efficiency improves
- Level 2 can be purchased as its own product, available below.

Warmups & Cooldowns
- Both warmup and cooldown follow-along videos are included
- Prepare each necessary joint and main muscle group for the work ahead
- The warmup is 8-minute guided, follow-along sequence to prep the body and prevent injuries
- The cooldown is also a 10-minute guided, follow-along sequence to return the body to a recovery state

Workout Timers
- Timed videos demonstrating each technique to follow along for your workout are included
- These videos do not include any instructions, but are to be used after you learn each movement, and are ready to work out.
- Simply start the video and do the movement for the time set on the screen.
- Can watch on your phone, laptop or any device

- Included is a PDF with the complete program to follow week by week.
- You will have a place to input your weights and workload to record your progress.
- You can continue to repeat this program as many times as necessary while continuing to make progress each time.
- PLUS, every purchase includes a DISCOUNT for the entire 7 level program!

Meet Your
Mark Wildman is world-class trainer, martial artist, and one of the best club swinging instructors in the world.
Due to his extensive knowledge of human movement and performance, he has trained some of Hollywood's biggest stars for major action roles.
He has been teaching club swinging around the world for nearly a decade and has amassed a loyal following on YouTube.
He now shares his highly sought-after knowledge of heavy club swinging with you.
Let's Train!

"I picked up the 2H Club program and it is very well designed! Easy to download, complete PDF workbook…the works. The Warm Ups/Mobility and Cool Downs are worth the price alone. I used the traditional lifts for years but always ended up banged up or stiff. The club swinging has opened things up and introduced me to movements I hadn't used. I feel better after every club workout.
- Club swinging is for every human being. Swinging levers is what we did as primitive humans for thousands of years. No matter your fitness level, injury history, or personal goal, these programs are designed to take a complete beginner and get them swinging safely ASAP!
- This program is not people looking for vanity aka all show and no go, although you will lose weight and build muscle to look better.
Get better at being human with club training.
Start Swinging Strength
Are you ready to build functional strength and resilience for life?
Normally $198
Both Levels 1 and 2!
- Instructional Videos
- Warmup / Cooldowns
- Workout Timers
- PDF Workbooks
- Discount Included For Full Program
Best Value
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- Level 1 Program
- Instructional Videos
- Warmup / Cooldowns
- Workout Timers
- PDF Workbook
- Discount Included For Full Program
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- Level 2 Program
- Instructional Videos
- Warmup / Cooldowns
- Workout Timers
- PDF Workbook
- Discount Included For Full Program
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